Looking for topographical services?

We offer you:

Topographical surveys & land survey plans for investments projects

Looking for engineering surveying?

We offer you:

Cadastral surveys and documentation for Land Book registration

Looking for engineering surveys?

We offer you:

Topographical assistance on construction sites, quarries, gravel pits

Real Estate Consultancy

NEW!!! In addition to the cadastre and land registration services, we also offer cadastre consulting services for real estate transactions to support anybody who wants to buy or to sell a real estate property. A complete report of the cadastral status of the real estate property






GEO SERVICES ENGINEERING S.R.L. has been established in November 2014 with the purpose of providing topography and cadastre services, as well as geotechnical and geophysical surveys.

Cadastre & Land Registration

We provide services of land surveying and preparation of cadastral documentation for first registration of real estate properties in the Land Book, for updating of technical records, land plots consolidation/ division, recording of new constructions in case of real estate properties already registered in the Land Book (tabulated), both for legal entities or individuals.



Topographic surveys

Our company makes specific field surveys for drawing up of topographic studies in support of completing various investment objectives, feasibility/ pre-feasibility studies or technical projects (TP)


Engineering surveying

Having a team of professionals with more than 10 years experience and using up-to-date surveying equipment of high accuracy, our company provides a wide range of engineering surveying adjusted to the needs of our clients.






The company has a wide range of surveying equipment and software, which allows us to automate most of the surveying data processing.
Price list for cadastre and topography services