- Project:Topographic surveys and draft of documentations for the O.C.P.I. reception of the topographic plan for the Project <<Technical Assistance for preparing the Financing Application and Procurement documents for the regional project of water and sewage water infrastructure development from Cluj and Salaj counties, during 2014-2020>>
- Main beneficiary:Compania de Apa Somes S.A.
- Execution period:August – October 2015
Our team participated in the execution of the following services:
On-site works:
- Identifications of streets and working sites by following the plans received from the direct beneficiary;
- Execution of the geodetic network for referencing the surveyed data to the projection system STEREO 1970;
- Stake-out of the boundary points and planting landmarks;
- Topographic surveys with GNSS equipment – approx. 128 km (144 ha) in the following localities from Salaj county: Maeriste, Bobota, Hereclean, Banisor, Cizer and Horoatu Crasnei;
- Video records of the streets we did the topographic surveying works;
Office works:
- Preliminary process of the on-site surveying data in parallel with on-site topographic surveys; thus we could rapidly correct/ clarify the information on the survey plan or collect additional required data;
- Complete processing of on-site surveying data into the complete documentations for the Salaj C.L.R.O. reception of the topographic plan;
Project Management:
- Efficient organization and coordination of the on-site and office works so that the project to be completed within the short deadline requested by the beneficiary (1 month);
- Building and maintaining a good working relationship both with the direct beneficiary;
- Weekly reports to the direct beneficiary of the on-site and office work progress;